This special Co-viewing Edition takes a look into the power of watching content with others on linear TV, in addition to tech penetration and TV usage facts and stats.
World Television Day celebrates the quality of TV around the globe
Investments in TV programmes approaches 140 billion dollars.
Italy, Publitalia’80: The courage to challenge – FIFA World Cup 2018
The article provides insights on the outstanding communication results of the World Cup 2018, both TV-only and cross-media, coming from a dedicated survey carried out by Mediasets’ Research department.
US, The VAB: Risky Business. Exploring Brand Safety on YouTube
The paper explors the roots of brand-safety issues on YouTube. The document analyses the online video juggernaut’s content structure, how its model contributes to ongoing brand safety challenges, where threats exist on the platform, and the current opportunities for advertisers to safely use the platform at scale.
Worldwide, VIACOM, TV Matters: Future of TV Ads
TV is the prime real estate for advertising overall and video advertising in particular. Viacom’s study digs deeper into how advertising people are not normal people, how technology is impacting the entertainment industry and why television still is remains the single most powerful way to reach people.
Link coming soon.
Worldwide, VIACOM, Hierarchy of Screens
In 2014, Viacom identified that global consumers use a “Hierarchy of Screens” for choosing how to watch content. In the ensuing four years, the television ecosystem has become much more complex, with additional viewing options and services seemingly springing up every month. Their recent TV Matters project revealed that while consumers are using all of these screens in some capacity, they continue to place the TV set at the very top of the pyramid. The king of the “Hierarchy of Screens” remains unchanged and intact.
Worldwide, Reuters Institute: Digital News Report 2018
The report focuses on the issues of trust in the era of fake news, changing business models and the role of platforms. Along with Newspaper, TV clearly stands out as a mainstream media which consumers trust.
Worldwide, Kantar Media: Dimension
In this research, key findings are featured following consumers’ answer on attitudes to advertising, integrated brand campaigns, ad blocking and content quality.
Worldwide, Eurodata: One TV Year in the world 2018
The report provides an overview of TV consumption and audiovisual landscapes in more than 120 countries.
EU, EBU: Trust in media
This report gives an idea of European citizens’ perception of the trustworthiness of several types of media including TV. The Net Trust Index developed by the EBU Media Intelligence Service helped to prove that TV and Radio are still trusted much more than online platforms and social networks.