TV drives business outcomes

Global TV Group arms advertisers with latest TV effectiveness evidence from around the world.

Research collection demonstrates how TV works in every market, for all customer objectives.

The Global TV Group, the informal grouping of TV companies and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America, whose common goal is to promote television, has released the first of three topical updates of its Global TV Deck planned for 2021.

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Worldwide figures underline the effectiveness of television advertising

Trade bodies and broadcasters around the world have joined forces for the third time to release figures on TV’s resilience and strength as an advertising medium.

The Global TV Group, the informal grouping of TV companies and sales houses’ trade bodies in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and Latin America, whose common goal is to promote television, has released the third edition of its Global TV Deck.

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EU, EBU: Trust in media

This report gives an idea of European citizens’ perception of the trustworthiness of several types of media including TV. The Net Trust Index developed by the EBU Media Intelligence Service helped to prove that TV and Radio are still trusted much more than online platforms and social networks.

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