Investments in TV programmes approaches 140 billion dollars.
Online businesses booming on TV
Global figures reveal the importance of TV advertising to online businesses.
Why TV is the world’s most effective advertising medium
Global figures underline the power of television advertising.
‘The Global TV Deck’ is a new resource for advertisers.
In TV we trust
Key media alliances celebrate the trustworthiness of TV on the occasion of World Television Day.
What the world loves watching
On World TV Day, international figures show the immense popularity of TV.
TV takes gold in Rio
Huge audiences around the world enjoy the Olympic Games on TV and online.
TV celebrates extra time during EURO 2016
Live football brings people together around TV, especially younger audience.
TV is the world’s favourite video
TV companies and trade bodies from around the world have today reminded marketers about TV’s enduring popularity and strength as an advertising medium.
World TV Day focuses on younger viewers
TV continues to dominate millennials’ media lives. Despite the popularity and hype around video services such as YouTube and Netflix, the latest data gathered from around the world show how popular TV remains with younger generations.
TV: the social medium
Stats from around Europe reveal new viewing habits.