Gian Paolo Tagliavia, CEO, Rai Pubblicità, Italy
“Actually, broadcast TV is a kind of miracle, if you think about it. At the same time millions of people do exactly the same thing and we know something about it in Italy when the Maneskin became an overnight sensation by winning the European Song Contest or when our national team of female football became an element of national pride, when they played in prime time on Rai 1 during the World Cup in France.
So, these elements gave people something to share, to talk about, to have in common and that is increasingly important in a society that is fragmented and at times it’s even divided, and this is something that is very, very important, not only for broadcasters or for content creators but for companies and brands that need a safe space where to articulate their storytelling and where to tell the general public what their core values are and basically what they stand for and what they are doing practically to fulfill their promise.
This ability to interact and to shape the general public is really the magic of broadcast television. We could say that: if it doesn’t happen on TV, it really doesn’t happen and the other way around if it happens on TV, it does really happen.”